Jebara Royal Crest
This website displays the Royal Eagle Crest of the Jafnid monarchs, of the Ghassanid kingdom, from whom Mohamad Jebara patrilineally and directly descends. The Jafnid eagle embodies the principles of peace through diplomatic mediation, steadfast courage, and perseverance in the pursuit of deeper knowledge and justice. Today, it stands as a unifying symbol of the fusion between the mediating diplomacy and emotional intelligence of Mohamad Jebara's Christian ancestors and the dynamic and inclusive mindset of Mohamad's Islamic scholarly forebearers.
Who are the Jebaras?
A branch of the Royal House of Ghassan, the Jebaras possess a rich history that dates back to the year 220 CE, with its founder, King Jafnah Ibn 'Amr, hailing from the monarchs of Sheba of the ancient Azd tribe in Yemen. King Jafnah traced his descent to Bilqis, the legendary Queen of Sheba, and her co-regent King Solomon. After the collapse of the civilization of Sheba at Ma`rib, Jafnah and his family migrated north, settling near the fresh water spring of Ghassan------in the Hawran region of the Levant-----from which the kingdom would derive its name "Ghassanid." Called the Jafnids, after King Jafnah, the Ghassanid kings established their stronghold in the plateau of the Golan Heights, ruling a vast region from their capital Al--Jabiyah.
Arguably, the first royal family to embrace Christianity (circa 210 CE), the Jafnids became its most devoted and fervent defenders among the Arabs. Recognized for their fidelity, steadfastness (despite earlier Roman persecution) and peacekeeping efforts, Jafnid kings were granted the auspicious epitaph "The great defender" by Byzantine emperor Justinian I. Keeping with the family spirit, an ecclesiastic member of the royal household------one of the famous five "Syrian" Popes-----His Holiness Pope John V (685---686 CE) was renowned for his successful efforts to reconcile Rome with Byzantium, broker peace treaties between Christians and Muslims, and positive church reforms. In addition to his diplomatic and academic enterprises, Pope John V was known for his commitment to social justice, including providing opportunities to the poor and destitute.
As a tribute to the diplomacy and mediation skills of Jafnid kings and their kin, Mohamad Jebara's direct ancestor King Al--Harith IV (486--512 CE) is mentioned in his book Muhammad the World--Changer p. 56, highlighting the crucial role he played in assisting prophet Muhammad (pbuhp)'s ancestor Hashim to secure an audience with Emperor Anastasius I, granting the Meccans special caravan trading rights in Byzantine territories-----commemorated in the Quran (106:2).
Before the advent of Islam, the courts of Jafnid kings functioned as bastions of Arabian Christian culture and poetry (Prophet Muhammad's poet Hassan Ibn Thabit, served as court poet to Jafnid kings for years). After the advent of Islam, Jafnid kings------who remained devout Christians-----played a crucial role in training government officials, serving as advisors to Caliphs, and assisting in the architectural planning and construction of famous Islamic landmarks. These include the oldest surviving Islamic monument, the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem (fusing dome of the Holy Sepulcher with octagonal layout of St. Vitale in Ravenna), and the Umayyad mosque in Damascus------both designed after the style of Byzantine churches and built by skilled Christian artisans.
The name Jebara was adopted as an official moniker of the Jafnid King Yusuf Jebara Al--Ghassani (1450---1520 CE), thereafter becoming a surname of his direct descendants. Long before King Yusuf adopted the title, Jebara (Derived from the Semitic root J---B---R, "mending fractures" and "reconciling differences") was associated with Jafnid kings for their tireless efforts to peacefully reconcile differences and mend social fractures between various peoples as a means of achieving a state of harmony and coexistence. As such, Jafnid kings continued to rule certain Levantine provinces in an autonomous capacity till the 19th Century.
Notable members of the family have included; Byzantine Emperor Nikephoros I; Yahya Al--Ghassani (Governor of Mosul and close advisor to the Umayyad caliph Umar II); Col. James Jabara (Ace pilot, US Air Force); and Dr. Che Guevara (Revolutionary).